ENJOY your Experience
RV Serial Number –



  • 500 grams of lean beef mince
  • 1 jalapeno pepper sliced
  • 1 green onion chopped
  • 1 bag tortilla chips
  • 2 cups grated cheese of choice
  • 2 cups iceberg lettuce chopped
  • 1 tomato chopped salsa or taco sauce for drizzling, dipping

Serves: 4 Equipment: Skillet

CREDIT: pipandebby.com


  1. In a cast-iron skillet, cook mince over medium heat (using grill, campfire or stovetop) until browned.
  2. Create a hole in the centre of the meat and add jalapeños and green onions.
  3. Cook, stirring frequently for 3-4 minutes. Transfer mixture to a bowl and line the bottom of the hot skillet with chips.


  1. These can be versatile and can be catered to your liking. Swap out the veggies for different ones or use a flavoured variety of potato chip.
  2. Use sausage or chicken for the meat instead of mince or add avocados and sour cream to the top. Get creative!
  3. Once the nachos are layered, try putting a lid to over the top to trap the steam which will help the cheese to melt more quickly. Don’t have a lid? Use aluminium foil!